Tech | Music | Culture
In These Unprecedented Times...
We’re all looking for some sort of distraction from everything going on right now. Here’s a list of things I’ve been doing to help manage stress and keep myself entertained.
3 Reasons Video Monopods Are Wonderful
When it comes to future work, I'm looking at video monopods. They cover so many bases, it's hard to compete for run and gun jobs. Here are three reasons why video monopods are wonderful and would make a great addition to your kit.
Mophie Power Capsule Review
When out and using my headphones, there's always the worry of having the battery died out on me mid-Podcast. Traveling for work has me favoring light and protective over larger items and too many battery banks (it is a thing).
Thoughts on Photography & Overkill
With bigger projects, and more high profile clients, it makes sense to use the right tools to get the job done. As I've started to plan out my different jobs for the first half of the year, improving the quality of my production equipment is something that has been on my mind.
The Best Slim iPhone X Case - LAUT's FLURO
For many of us, the most important computer that we have is the one in our pockets. Even more so for content creators, our phones are one of our biggest tools for creating content and connecting with our audiences.